Nubisware sponsors BaseX

Nubisware is now proudly a sponsor of BaseX.

Nubisware sponsors BaseX

Nubisware sponsors BaseX 1499 905 Nubisware

The reward for work well done, is the opportunity to do more. – Jonas Salk –

No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. – Calvin Coolidge –

In order to explain in few words what BaseX is, I’d just cite the incipit of it’s home on the web which I warmly encourage you to have a look at.

BaseX is a robust, high-performance XML database engine and a highly compliant XQuery 3.1 processor with full support of the W3C Update and Full Text extensions. It serves as excellent framework for building complex data-intensive web applications. 
It comes with interactive user interfaces (desktop, web-based) that give you great insight into your data.

For us it has grown over the years to become an invaluable “swiss army knife” that we use pervasively to implement all sort of components for our customers’ micro-services, REST APIs, data-oriented applications and integrations. Not to speak of Nubisware’s own internal tooling and artifacts.

Great! At what cost comes all this power? Actually at no cost! Thanks to BaseX Gmbh, BaseX is usable for free with a very permissive opensource License.

For more than ten years, as employees of different companies, we’ve been very active BaseX users and we contributed to it with suggestions and code snippets, participating in the mailing list and even presenting our work at one BaseX users’ meetup in the context of XMLPrague (2015).

Today, joined into Nubisware, we are exited to announce that we are able to contribute back with a concrete sponsorship for the development of one awesome feature in the upcoming 9.x series that will even more boost our productivity and enhance the solutions we are developing for our most valuable partners and customers.

We are really looking forward to further collaborate with the wonderful staff at BaseX Gmbh!